Monday, August 10, 2015

Army Museum | Singapore Discovery Centre

Yesterday was Singapore's birthday. Happy 50th Birthday!

I went to the Army Museum with ZQ cause she is in love with the army and is aspiring to be a solider. We went in the afternoon with the free transport. Since we made our way at around 11am the train was not crowded.

On the way to the army museum we saw this which I thought was quite cool. There's a description of what it is next to it.

We went to take pictures with the army vehicles. It was quite fun. We also played around with their mini Standard Operation Course, trying out their balance beam, low wall etc... It was like a playground for us.

Since we were there we went to make our own solider at the solider craft section for kids. It was easy peasy, the hard part was slotting the paper into the gap to fix. After that we went for the 4D movie with the two big tanks and a helicopter before heading to the shooting gallery for our free try. Zq and I got to try both the M16 and SAR 23. It was lots of fun (since I won twice against zq).

Next we went to the Singapore Discovery Centre. There was an event going on, which is still ongoing. Basically everyone gets a 'passport' and the objective is to collect all the stamps to get a prize. The first three stamps are outside the museum while the other five are located inside the museum.

Zq and I managed to collect all 8 stamps, which was quite fun. We went through the entire building and discover a lot of things about Singapore while we were finding the chop stations. We also tried out some of their educational game machines.

At the end we each collected our tote bag which say ' SHIOK TO BE SINGAPOREAN'. I agree. Free entry and free gifts. 

We also got quite hungry so we bought hot dogs ($2.50). We regretted putting so much condiment. In the end it felt like we were eating mustard bun instead of hot dog bun ): 

Overall I had more fun then I had expected. Apparently going to a museum can be quite a fun enriching way to spend my time.

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